You’ve probably experienced procrastination more than once. Anyone who knows the feeling of a complete lack of drive and motivation to take care of yourself should get to know the technology that introduces positive habits in your daily life. Is it possible to combine theory and practice to achieve a real impact on health and well-being? Let’s find out!
What is Meditate?
Meditate is a personal development application. The main idea behind its development was the observation that some negative feelings people experience have their origins in the basic needs of life. Users are challenged to look at and understand negative emotions and then start to shape their good habits.

Medidate – application development challenges
The client asked for Full Cycle product development — as a Stermedia team, we were involved in validating business hypotheses and working on the technological aspect of the project from the get-go.
We started our work with a Product Design Workshop – a workshop aimed at starting activities related to validating the solution and defining the product. The goal was to build the same understanding of the product vision, business goals, target user personality, strengths and weaknesses, and values. The result of this workshop is common, consistent knowledge and a vision of the product between Stermedia and business representatives, which leads us to the next phase.

We know how important it is to understand the client and maximize the potential of our team when developing a product, which is why the development process was based on Scrum methodology. This allowed us to verify the work progress in short intervals and it also allowed the team to learn much faster, which reduced the risk of producing unnecessary functionalities. As a result, Meditate is a full-value product created with great financial and time savings.
After creating the MVP product, we focused on searching for the Product Market Fit. We checked each function with a narrow client group and confirmed whether it provides value for users as assumed. We were trying to build an application that would ultimately serve users on the market, therefore the process of product refinement was very important to us.
Our work makes sense only when the client is happy with choosing us. Cooperation based on common values and true relationships is crucial — this allows us to focus on providing high-quality services while having good communication with the client. Our unique technological solutions are developed by professionals and passionate talents.
Technologies used
Technologies used for AI models: Prod: ONNX (ONNX Runtime), NumPy, Albumentations
Learning: PyTorch (Torch), PyTorch Lighting, NumPy, Albumentations, Torchvision, OpenCV
Technologies used in building applications: React Native
Build your habits effectively
Meditate touches on several fields of everyday life and educates in particular areas. The first area is nutrition. Each person has a different daily calorie intake requirement. The app allows you to control the number of calories you consume with a photo-based meal recognition feature. The software estimates how many calories a given portion has and includes this in the user’s daily intake. The user learns how much he should eat every day by tracking the results shown by the application. Taking care of meeting dietary needs and controlling body weight becomes a habit.
Religiousness and spiritual needs are additional functionalities of Medidate. The application is designed to help improve mood by presenting the user with quotes from religious texts. This function is called “Emotion Management” and is based on the user marking on a scale of well-being how he feels on a given day. Then, after assessing the emotional state, the application generates quotes that can be helpful for a given recipient.
Meditate helps not only to implement habits but also to control progress.